The Real Secret to a Flat, Toned Belly

Sit ups  There’s a lot of misinformation out there about weight loss, fitness and exercise as a whole, so you should expect that much of what you’ve heard about what it takes to develop a flat, toned belly is flawed, too.

Let’s start with exactly what we’re talking about when we discuss trimming your waistline.  Although most people identify trimming inches from around their midsection with weight loss, doing so actually means different things for different people.  For example, someone who has fat around the belly but is otherwise thin doesn’t necessarily need to lose weight to lose inches around their belly, whereas someone who is obese will need to lose both inches and weight.

Now, I really don’t like making sweeping indictments by saying things like: what most of you believe is the key to developing a trim, toned waistline is wrong but… yeah… it really is.  Losing weight and doing hundreds of crunches and sit ups each day is, for most of you, an utter waste of time when it comes to removing inches from your belly. Countless hours on your back doing crunches and sit ups is an especially monumental waste of precious time for most of you.

To put you on the right track to getting the firm, toned belly you want, we need to change your approach to accomplishing that goal. The first change needed to move you toward your desired outcome successfully is changing your mindset from one of weight loss to one of body fat reduction, which aren’t always one in the same.

Until you remove the layer of fat covering your abdominal muscles, you can lose all the weight you want and never see any sign of your waistline becoming trim and tone, and crunches and sit up won’t get you there. That’s because you need to take a very specific approach to trimming your midsection to succeed at it. The good news is: It really is possible to rid yourself of unwanted belly fat if you approach it the right way.

To remove that unwanted layer of fat that’s preventing your abdominal muscles from ever seeing the light of day, the most important thing you need to know is that a frim, toned belly is earned mostly in the kitchen, not the gym.  A diet consisting of lean meats (like chicken & fish), fruits & vegetables and fiber is essential to belly fat reduction.

The next step in the process of eliminating belly bulge is to rid yourself of the belief that long stints of cardio exercise (hours on the treadmill or elliptical machine) on a regular basis is the best way to lose weight and reduce body fat… It’s just not true, and there’s a good reason why.

Exercise is much like studying for a test. If when studying you keep reading the same paragraph over and over, eventually you absorb the information and it’s no longer beneficial to continue reading it. Exercise works the same way… If you exercise the same way all the time, like spending hours on the treadmill each time you work out, eventually your body acclimates to what you’re doing and you stop getting results.

A combination of cardio, strength training – and, eventually, short interval/high intensity, full body exercise is the perfect plan for reducing unwanted fat from your entire body, not just your belly. It’s also important to make sure your focusing on the right objective. Instead of focusing on reducing the numbers of the scale, shift your focus to reducing your body fat percentage. Furthermore, focus on how you feel, how your clothes fit and what you see when you look in the mirror.

As you begin exercising regularly, the numbers of the scale may not decrease as fast as you think they will, especially if you don’t have an excessive amount to lose in the first place. That’s why focusing on reducing body fat, through regular exercise and proper nutrition, is a much healthier approach to improving your overall health and fitness.

Remember, you didn’t get out of shape instantly, so it stands to reason that getting in shape will take time, too. With a positive attitude, a realistic mindset, a healthy diet, regular exercise and a willingness to work at it, you’ll have everything needed to develop a firm, toned belly and, more importantly, a healthier body and lifestyle overall!

-By Scott Hinds Lambeth

  • This site does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult a physician before beginning any exercise program or dietary plan.